Lawn Care Services
Thatch is a mat-like layer of dead grass, roots, rhizomes, and other debris that builds up on your lawn over time. Grass clippings do not actually contribute to thatch build-up since they decompose very quickly. It is a very normal process that can occur faster or slower depending on your specific lawn composition. Dethatching is the process of removing a majority of the thatch so the remainder can decompose completely to add nutrients back to your soil. The reason why our clients like to get their lawn dethatched is because thatch can start strangling your lawn and starving it of nutrients if there is too much of it. Removing some thatch periodically leads to a happier, healthier lawn.
When is it time to dethatch?
We dethatch in the spring before the grass has a chance to start growing. Thatch builds up at different rates depending on a number of factors. Kentucky Bluegrass, the turf most properties in the FM area are made up of, is very prone to building up thatch quicker than other species. For lawns in the FM area, we suggest dethatching once a year to once every two years. We do not dethatch sod that is younger than 3 years old. It is important to allow your turf to develop its root system fully before removing excess thatch.